i have been tagged by rebekah westover ... so lets get this done! thanks becky. i enjoy reading these more than writing them but here it goes ....
a few random things about me, following becky's lead of course because its 12:32 in the middle of the night cant sleep and have lost all creativity:
1. favorite food, for sure with no doubt SUSHI! i cant live without HAPPY SUMO!
2. favorite book, right now its the twilight series and if had a favorite actor or star it would be edward cause there is no other fictional character that i am more obsessed and in love with than him.
3. favorite place, san fran of course. for those that dont know me i really did leave my heart there to some degree. this is the city in which i found myself who i really am and what i really believe. it is also the city in which i endured the most difficult times of my life.
4. fears, i share some of the same with becky, sharks are the worst! i dream about being attacked! i used to dream when i was pregnant that it was a shark in my belly no a baby and that it would eat from the inside out! getting fat is also one of mine, here is the catch with that one, i am not exactly skinny so maybe i should say getting fatter! i also fear anything and everything i can conjure up in my head (and i do!) that would put my 3 children and gorgeous hubby in danger.
5. i am super spiritual, not just in a religious sense but just spirit wise, i consider myself a very in tune person and very sensitive. i care very deeply and passionatly about those in my life and i feel everything intensly.
6. other passions, love snowboarding! good thing winter is slow wedding season cause if it was busy i still wouldnt be making any money i just cant stay away!
7. i am the proud mother of a disabled child, (and two darling others! storie & stockton) her name is saylor jae and she has spina bifida she is 4.5. cant have any more kids so that is it!
8. i used to be blonde. sort of unaturally blond but most of my life i have been pretty light haired with the exception of the last 2-3 years. i have never felt more like myself than now!
9. i love tarantulas and often have them as pets in my home. my favorite was a zebra tarantula from brazil!
10. i love to design homes. thus why nate and i are always building, selling, and redoing etc.... its nice that we make money along the way too!
well that was torture i am not really that intersting after all. i think i should have paid someone to write this for me. or this whole tagging thing should work different like the person who tags has to write about the person they are tagging. but then again i dont know if becky could even come up with 10 interesting things about me that are random at all. anyhow hope this was entertaining.
i tag....
1. kate benson
2. jessie elder
3. megan bailey (guess this means its time to get your blog posted!)
4. matt christensen
5. whoever else reads my blog that has one, yeah thats right your all tagged by me!