Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day

happy valentines to all who check out the blog before it is over. so usually valentines is a crazy day for a florist, not to much for me as a floral designer. i did a little advertising, not much just enough to take advantage of the $$$$ that goes around! but i had planned for a much busier day than it turned out to be. i accomplished a lot of personal things, got a new board, boots, and bindings! YES!!!!!! cant wait to hit the snow! then put a few custom designs together, delivered them. delivered flowers to a close friends grave, grandma's graves, grandpa's grave, mom and dad, and a few friends cause if your a florist than you bet a select few expect flowers. hit home to make dinner for the hubby who then ventured off to the BYU basketball game. the kids and i decided to hit the store for one last thing for dad, stockton didnt tell me he didnt feel good before we left. so mostly we just drove in a big circle and i topped the evening off with a vomit cleanup in the car. happy valentine's! wondering where the pics are? didnt get to them today, and the vomit wasnt really all that appealing!

your neighborhood floral designer!
studio stems!

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