so here is a simple quiz that can tell you a lot about your floral wedding style. answer them honestly. email me at with what you are mostly ... ex. mostly A's etc... i will email you back a short description of your style and most likely floral choices. you can still do it if your interested even if your married.
1.what is your idea of a romantic evening?
A. a candelit dinner at a cozy restaurant
B. a few games of pool at the local sports bar
C. renting a movie and cuddling on the couch
D. sipping organic tea at your local earth shop
E. checking out a local gallery or art show
2.Okay now you have found your prince charming but if you had to choose ....
A. Orlando Bloom
B. Jack Black
C. Chris Martin
D. Al Gore
E. Billy Corgan
3. what is your favorite reading material?
A. romeo and juliet type
B. if you must read, let it be a comic strip
C. your trusty cookbook
D. anything by Al franken
E. black and white photography
4. which dessert would you choose
A. strawberry cheesecake
B. hot fudge sundae
C. warm homemade apple pie
D. vegan chocolate chip cookies
E. dark chocolate anything
5. When you go out for a night on the town you always wear
A. your little black dress
B. fishnet stockings
C. night on the town? what is that
D. cruelty free cowboy boots
E. a necklace with chunky geo shapes
6. your ideal vacation
A. paris
B. vegas
C. traveling across country in your own motorhome
D. camping in a tent
E. new york city
7. on a cold winters night you prefer sipping on
A. hot cider
B. irish coffee
C. hot chocolate
D. green tea
E. something with alcohol in it
8. your breath freshner of choice
A. after dinner mints
B. bubble gum
C. hard candy
D. raw mint leafs
E. breath freshning spray
9. a good mantra for your life would be
A. follow your heart
B. born to be wild
C. there is no place like home
D. recycle, reduse, reuse
E. art imitates life